Frequently asked questions

What is ProprioCeption?

Proprioception refers to the body's ability to sense its position, movement, and action in space. It involves the brain's perception of the relative position of body parts and the strength of effort being employed in movement. This sense is facilitated by proprioceptors - specialized sensory receptors located in muscles, tendons, and joints.

Why is Proprioception Important for Maintaining a Healthy Body?

Coordination and Balance:

  • Proprioception is crucial for maintaining balance and coordination. It allows the body to make automatic adjustments to posture and movement, which is essential for activities like walking, running, and standing upright.

  1. Injury Prevention:

    • Good proprioception helps in detecting and correcting improper movement patterns that could lead to injuries. For instance, it enables athletes to adjust their movements quickly to avoid falls or strains.

  2. Rehabilitation:

    • Proprioception is a key component in the rehabilitation process after an injury. Physical therapy often includes exercises to restore proprioceptive functions, which can help in the recovery of strength, coordination, and overall function of the injured area.

  3. Enhanced Athletic Performance:

    • Athletes often train to improve proprioception to enhance their performance. Improved proprioception can lead to better control, agility, and efficiency in movements, which are crucial for sports and physical activities.

  4. Daily Functional Activities:

    • Proprioception enables smooth and efficient performance of daily activities, such as dressing, cooking, and driving. It ensures that movements are well-coordinated and that the body can adapt to various physical demands throughout the day.

  5. Posture Control:

    • Proper proprioceptive feedback helps in maintaining good posture, which is essential for preventing musculoskeletal problems like back pain and neck strain.

How can the urthboard help improve my proprioception?

The unique construction of the Urthboards provides instability that forces your body and senses to adapt to maintain balance. By practicing movement exercises on the Urthboard, such as yoga poses, “popping up” on the Urthboard like a surfboad, and pronated stretching exercises, your muscles and senses will become stronger and more adept at compensating when your body is put into an unbalanced state.